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Top tips for beginners in stand-up comedy

Do you know what the best thing about considering standup comedy as a profession is? You not only make yourself happy but also spread smiles in the society. The comedians also learn not to take their life seriously. 
A lot of individuals who also want to try stand-up think “How can I become a stand-up comedian?” Well, we would recommend getting connected with one of the best comedy clubs in Burbank, California (such as Flappers Comedy) for this purpose. 

Here, we have also shared some tips for budding comedians. 

Express yourself
A common mistake that a newbie commits is focusing too hard on thinking about jokes. Rather, you should just begin by expressing what you feel about your life. You can write about your frustrations related to the job, personal relationship, or even the hardships of daily life. 
Don’t be mechanical

Stand-up comedy is not speaking the material as it is. You just need to know the essence of your material and rest you can improvise on the stage. In fact, when you improvise it looks more natural and the audience will be more involved. 

Avoid stealing the material
More often than not, the beginners copy the material from others because they loved a particular joke or style. You shouldn’t even rephrase or borrow from other comedians because you don’t want to be labeled as ‘Unoriginal.’ In case you feel that some lines from your material are inspired by an already existing act, make sure you edit those lines and prepare fresh material. 

Film yourself
It is one of the best exercises to analyze your performance. You will not come to know how funny your act was, you can also examine your body language and the confidence you exude. 

And of course, learn the comedy from professionals from comedy clubs like Flappers Comedy. The facilitators from this institute have been part of various comedy shows and some hilarious comedy sketches. Some of the funniest comedians from Burbank that are a facilitator at this club include Joel Bryant and Shannon Gettins. Barbara Holiday, who is a sketch comedian and stand-up artist, is also part of the team. Barbara’s sketch comedies like Ha Ha Store and The Improv were showcased throughout the US. 

Check more about this comedy club from Burbank through this link. 
